Monday, January 2, 2012

Hedwig's Theme


B E G F# E B^ A F# E G F# D# F B B E G F# E B^ D^ C#^ C^ G# C^ B^ A#^ A# G E G B^ G B^ G C^ B^ A#^ F# G B^ A#^ A# B^ G B^ G B^ G D^ C#^ C^ G# C^ B^ A#^ A# G E


carly said...

Lily's Theme doesn't sound right...

Alexandra(; said...

If you open the link on Lilys Theme, you'll see I matched the notes to the girl playing. It's not me in the video, but I listened to her to figure out the notes(:

Unknown said...

this music isnt right. i tried playing it but it was completely off.

Anonymous said...

Tabitha you r right

the boy next door x said...


Alexandra(; said...

just so you guys know, I was in 5 grade when I used this blog, and I didn't even come up with these notes... If you would take the 5 seconds it takes to read the discription, you'd see I found the notes on

Don't be so rude next time, i'm not making any of you come here.

mockingjay 348 said...

omg.thanks so much!!!I have been looking 4 this 4ever.I love harry potter too.thank you so much

mockingjay 348 said...

omg.thanks so much!!!I have been looking 4 this 4ever.I love harry potter too.thank you so much

Anonymous said...

I just looked up the modern flute blog and it's no longer there....